20 December, 2008


Llegar a un pais desconocido tiene una cuota de misterio y espectacion, pero cuando ese pais es el diablo capitalista *LOL* entonces toda la gente tiene algo que opinar igual... Cosas que me han llamado la atencion de sobremanera en estos 3 meses iniciales son:
  • La amabilidad de la gente. No solo se nota en el saludo a los desconocidos, se le suma el respeto al manejar, al solucionar problemas de toda indole. No se si sera el lugar o es la educacion... Uno se acostumbra a escuchar que los gringos son huevones... pero que tiene de weon confiar en el resto ?? nos pasamos de listos y ahora estamos ahogados en nuestra inseguridad. Eso pasa por descender de puros ladrones ?

  • Los horarios... quien mierda almuerza a las 12 del dia ??? pero despues entendi que si entras REALMENTE a trabajar a las 9 y te vas a las 5, entonces las 12 es un momento razonable para el lunch break... o sino la asimetria temporal te impediria ser productivo en las tardes....

  • Hablo espaƱol, PERO NO SOY MEXICANO !!! jajajaja esto solo para apuntar a la ignorancia del gringo promedio. Tienen un conocimiento de lo que pasa en el planeta minimo... a veces cae hasta en la verguenza ajena.

A medida quue vaya recordando detalles los ire compartiendo, abrazos a todos

Checkpoint 1

It is probably the most ironic thing, but as I thought that I was getting my chance to ear big bucks and to live in "the land of the free" for a while, I soon found myself in the biggest economical collapse since the late 1920's.... ain't that a bitch !
Ok I know my work is undervalued and underpaid (I am not saying this cause of despite... is just statistics... as simple as www.salary.com) but I still feel that even with these points on my back, I can still pull out a positive living and oportinities.

I am seriously thinking about getting an Technology MBA from GA Tech. Everything depends on how a business idea develops in the following 4 months. For one side, yes it sucks. I could be in Europe doing my phd and worrying about the things in science that could help humanity, and chain myself to a life of tourism in my hometown... 3 years is just too much to stay away.

This monday Im going back home to spend the holydays with my family, and the sad thing is that almost nobody else gives to this events the importance that I think they have... I could stayed here, save the 1500 US or even go to Vegas to fuck around with that money. What is wrong with you people ???
Does individualism step outside of the professional field and entered into the households of regular people ? Is the only goal in life to have sensless stimulation and to not get attached to anything other than materials structures and things ?

Fuck that, Fuck them... keep the family together.