Well... after more than a year I finally changed my laptop from a ~dv2000 HP model (14'') to a sweet ENVY 13... In an hour of use or so I was already installing the newest version of Ubuntu (9.10) in order to work and avoid the little things that make Microsoft's OS (Windows 7 on this case) a pain in the ass.
The installation went flawless, I am trying EXT4 as the filesystem and I can seriously say that it has a great impact on database queries and handling... Thumbs up
Unfortunately, Ubuntu does not support yet the two graphic cards and their awesome hot swapping in order to save battery... (which it can added to the thin, semi-light secondary battery actually reach more than 6 hours of real action... no pussy-ass lower brightness and stuff)
The biggest problem I found was the sound.... after wonder around in many forums I realized that the problem was the ALSA library version that comes in 9.10.... 1.09.21. In order to make it work, I downloaded the new release of ALSA followed by configuration, compilation and installation and voila !!!! everything working....
I followed this guide (THX to the creator !)
This is boring but it has to be done... I just hate linux without my classics... now I'm going for the last.fm audioscrobbler....