29 March, 2010

Turning 12 years of digital music into a library

I started collecting / ripping my cd's back in 98... I knew that between mp3's , vqf's and all the other formats lost in time we were about to see some fireworks.

The music model distribution changed. For good. Now I do not buy cd's I download only the good songs of a disc, or I get the vinyl if I am nuts about the LP.

I have a fair amount of music I gathered over these years and now I want to turn them into a highly efficient easy to use library working on linux... I had to start from scratch though.... here is what I already have done:
  • Got myself a 500GB my passport (Western Digital)
  • I copied all of my discs into the Music path
  • made a script (python of course :D ) to group and rename the directories by artist/group. It is pretty simple but it did the trick... similar distribution as Itunes

  • Update correct the tags for each disc, I started using MusicBrainz Picard... is there another option ?
  • Get the art work for each full disc.
  • Select a music player / library
    ideas: amarok - songbird - rythmbox
  • Let's see how they behave after some tests..... stay tuned !


import os
import sys
import shutil

def put_in_format(text):
texto = (text.lower()).strip(' ')
tmp = []
for word in texto.split(' '):
return " ".join(a for a in tmp)

def main():
count = 0

list_dir = os.listdir('.')
for each in list_dir:
if each.count(' - '):
group = put_in_format(each.split(' - ')[0])
disc = put_in_format(each.split(' - ')[1])
count += 1
if group != each:
shutil.move(each, group+'/'+disc)

if __name__ == "__main__":