Deberia estar contento, porque dentro de todo, puta, el loco es feliz con su mina (ella es muy muy cool) y viven juntos desde hace un par de años... lo complicado es que, de la misma manera que fue el primer weon que se fue a estudiar lejos, ahora el muy wea se le ocurre casarse.... y miro mi situacion y veo que es algo a años luz de mis posibilidades y en realidad, viene a puroenredar la sopa por aqui...
Desde el matrimonio de sobenes que no se casaba un buen amigo, y olvidaba las emociones que eso trae. La distancia es un buen agregado, que hizo de este plato uno de esos que te deja satisfecho... muy feliz.
La estadia en Noruega fue excelente, la ceremonia y la fiesta conmovedoras... es una pena perder a un soltero, pero ahora gane una "familia" amiga.... Son tantas las cosas que podria poner que prefiero compartir con Uds. el discurso que tuve que dar durante la comida despues del matrimonio, asumo que eso explica todo mejor:
"First of all, for you to understand the whole situation, let me tell you a bit about what is m bond with juan pablo and siri...
I've known juan pablo since kindergarden, we were classmates for 13 years of school, so you can imagine the big number of stories that I could tell you about him.
- Don't worry, Im not going to embarrassed you with them -
The fact is that we have shared great moments, and he has been a great friend in this whole experience that growing up is....
We (and I'm talking representing all of your friends back home) had been extremely proud of your achievements through time; when you were playing tennis, chess and in academics.
Your decision about going to study to the US was really difficult for us, because it was hard to think about not having you around. But distance normally can make things better, and we are really happy for the way that your life has evolved far from your country.
When we first heard that you were dating siri, everybody was really curious about her.... we wanted to meet the girl that has enough pacience to handle you... and you can imagine that the curiosity became bigger when we heard that she was brave enough to even live with you !!!
Then, in 2003 I had the luck to visit them for the first time, and I can tell you that I was amazed by Siri and by them as a couple.... not only because of the obvious love between them, but also because of the way that they complemented each other. It was easy to see that she was (and still is) the piece of the puzzle that juan pablo was missing.
One year after, in 2004, I went to visit them (-YES, again-) and they look even better as a couple, completely connected. By that time I started to think that they could do something crazy..... like getting married....
In 2005 Siri and Juan Pablo went to visit Chile, That was the first time he told me that he was going to ask Siri to marry him. - Of course I was shocked... ! - After some beers to try to understand and "digest" the news, I actually realized that time DOES change things for the best, and that the fact of you guys getting married is another step in your great relationship.
And now..... 2006..... Here I am... -Still in shock !!!- (but in a good way)
With my friends starting a family, facing new projects and sharing this amazing moment with us.
Finally, I just want to wish you the best future together, let's hope for little Siri's and Juan Pablo's in the mid term, and I also want you to remember that your friends are proud of you !!! and that we love you very much !!
**You must never forget that family is the key to happyness**
Congratulations "
I've known juan pablo since kindergarden, we were classmates for 13 years of school, so you can imagine the big number of stories that I could tell you about him.
- Don't worry, Im not going to embarrassed you with them -
The fact is that we have shared great moments, and he has been a great friend in this whole experience that growing up is....
We (and I'm talking representing all of your friends back home) had been extremely proud of your achievements through time; when you were playing tennis, chess and in academics.
Your decision about going to study to the US was really difficult for us, because it was hard to think about not having you around. But distance normally can make things better, and we are really happy for the way that your life has evolved far from your country.
When we first heard that you were dating siri, everybody was really curious about her.... we wanted to meet the girl that has enough pacience to handle you... and you can imagine that the curiosity became bigger when we heard that she was brave enough to even live with you !!!
Then, in 2003 I had the luck to visit them for the first time, and I can tell you that I was amazed by Siri and by them as a couple.... not only because of the obvious love between them, but also because of the way that they complemented each other. It was easy to see that she was (and still is) the piece of the puzzle that juan pablo was missing.
One year after, in 2004, I went to visit them (-YES, again-) and they look even better as a couple, completely connected. By that time I started to think that they could do something crazy..... like getting married....
In 2005 Siri and Juan Pablo went to visit Chile, That was the first time he told me that he was going to ask Siri to marry him. - Of course I was shocked... ! - After some beers to try to understand and "digest" the news, I actually realized that time DOES change things for the best, and that the fact of you guys getting married is another step in your great relationship.
And now..... 2006..... Here I am... -Still in shock !!!- (but in a good way)
With my friends starting a family, facing new projects and sharing this amazing moment with us.
Finally, I just want to wish you the best future together, let's hope for little Siri's and Juan Pablo's in the mid term, and I also want you to remember that your friends are proud of you !!! and that we love you very much !!
**You must never forget that family is the key to happyness**
Congratulations "

Suerte niños !
los queremos mucho !
Sólo leí el título y vi las fotos y pensé q te habiai casao master-plop!!!
cresta! ...
ya toi más recuperado y leí todo el post ...
q se puede decir?
"hay un tiempo para cada cosa ... y cada cosa a su tiempo"
En la vida, cada uno va manejando esos tiempos, mientras seas consecuente con lo que piensas ... lo q hagas de tu vida brillará igual.
Así q si te vay a casar luego ... Invita po weon!!!
saludos master-married-without-children-funk!
a melo :
OMG !!!! ni en broma wn !!!
tengo que primero juntar el suficiente dinero para que al divorciarme no me quede en la calle :P
a melo again:
buena frase... espero que "el tiempo" cuando aparezca, sea tan evidente que no pueda olvidarlo, ignorarlo o desecharlo.... al fin y al cabo, de repente me caso con una millonaria y me dedico al Pimpin' no mas :P
Creeme que si me caso wn, las vacas van a volar, asi que habra que ir con paraguas !!!
a pancho:
AJHAJAJAJAJaJ el padre marcelo esta para hacer misa con el cura jolo !!!
AJAJAJajajaja la dura... se va a mandar unos golpeados con el caliz... y cuando estemos comulgando va a gritar... "eh eh eh eh eh eh ese farol...." y para esas cosas no estamos, verdad ??
al final la wea no era tan terrible... y espero que a estos locos les vaya bien no mas... por mi parte...
"es mejor pajaro en mano, que.... que..... puta, que estar casado !" JAJAAJAJAJ
me voy al baño a leer :P
señoras y señores... la pauli !!!
bueno, ya ven que al menos en el tema de casorios tengo apoyo de parte de la señora.... (por algun lado se parte !! :P )
Bien dicho flacuchenta... pero recuerda que el vasilons tambien se puede hacer de 2 ! hasta ahi no mas la soledad ;)
Mira WN !!!
1.- no le dis ideas 8========D
2.- no le entregues ideas
3.- no le pases ideas
4.- (hot)
qué cool por Juan Pablo.
a okol:
cache por tu blog que estabas de vuelta en chile...
espero que vaya todo bien por alla ! me cague de la risa con tu ultimo post... LOL... todo papeleo es un webeo :P
saludos !!!
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