It is really easy to fall into the hype of feeling that all of the new that a country can offer is better than what you already have... The grass is greener on the other side of the fence... you know. Previous posts present some of the details that I found cool some months after settled
-El ABC de USA (Dec 08)
-Extremely Necessary (Feb 09)
Now, more than a year after, I thought that re-thinking it could be a good exercise... NOTICE: JUST DUMB SHIT ! no deep thoughts but only consumer based goodies... top 10, in random order, here we go:
1) The F****ing internet !!!!! for every geek, having the basic cable internet sounds as the minimum... but when the common is 15 MBPS... OMFG, it's like heaven... stream, skype torrent and more on one of the (probably) fastest internet connections available for cheap clients :P
2) HD Television... Watching the NFL Red Zone channel almost makes you cry of how cool and real the image can be.
3) Concerts... Almost every band drops by the ATL while in the states... that gives us a nice chance to watch tons of good bands.
4) Cell phones + Wireless Internet Network... Decently reliable, omnipresent access to limitless information !!! yezzzzz.
5) Honest, consumer-oriented services and commerce. I miss that everyday I have to buy something at home... everybody is trying to trick you.
6) Driving. People it is not as aggressive, at least behind the steering wheel... in Chile you have to drive and of course add all of the body language you can to tell the other drivers to go to hell or to screw themselves.
7) Comedy Central... need to say more ?? it is not included by any cable provider in Chile
8) Well maintained Public Parks... Basically this is something about the ATL. They have the advantage of being the Olympics host back in 96, so the sports infrastructure and the public parks are still flawless.
9) Decent sized salads ! finally salads that come in a kilo-sized bucket !
10) Stores like ross, tjmax, marshalls and every extremely cheap store including probably out of season, but nice quality brands...
-El ABC de USA (Dec 08)
-Extremely Necessary (Feb 09)
Now, more than a year after, I thought that re-thinking it could be a good exercise... NOTICE: JUST DUMB SHIT ! no deep thoughts but only consumer based goodies... top 10, in random order, here we go:
1) The F****ing internet !!!!! for every geek, having the basic cable internet sounds as the minimum... but when the common is 15 MBPS... OMFG, it's like heaven... stream, skype torrent and more on one of the (probably) fastest internet connections available for cheap clients :P
2) HD Television... Watching the NFL Red Zone channel almost makes you cry of how cool and real the image can be.
3) Concerts... Almost every band drops by the ATL while in the states... that gives us a nice chance to watch tons of good bands.
4) Cell phones + Wireless Internet Network... Decently reliable, omnipresent access to limitless information !!! yezzzzz.
5) Honest, consumer-oriented services and commerce. I miss that everyday I have to buy something at home... everybody is trying to trick you.
6) Driving. People it is not as aggressive, at least behind the steering wheel... in Chile you have to drive and of course add all of the body language you can to tell the other drivers to go to hell or to screw themselves.
7) Comedy Central... need to say more ?? it is not included by any cable provider in Chile
8) Well maintained Public Parks... Basically this is something about the ATL. They have the advantage of being the Olympics host back in 96, so the sports infrastructure and the public parks are still flawless.
9) Decent sized salads ! finally salads that come in a kilo-sized bucket !
10) Stores like ross, tjmax, marshalls and every extremely cheap store including probably out of season, but nice quality brands...
How in the world can you like the cellular network of the the US????
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