13 February, 2009

Bobby Fischer vs Gary Kasparov

I could not thought about it with other characters... but the intention of this is to try to understand which one of the approaches to greatness is more valuable... better... I don't really know...

In one side, you have a really bright, talented human being for a specific discipline. But it is not able to share it... so he drowns in his own greatness. Is the same picture as the tormented artist, the suicidal rock star...

And on the other hand you can face greatness with an attitude. Being a dick, and happy about it... moving masses and sharing with the world how fantastic little things can be done by a single individual.

There are so many people who inspires me to try to reach for greatness, so many situations that are in my memory as written in stone, and I am so afraid of forgetting just because life passes by so fucking fast 'til you reach the point where everything is over.

Cobain - Tupac - Bukowski - Pryor - Marin - Feynman.... soooo many fields of expertise, so many interesting examples.

My path to greatness could be the bastard child of the two extreme approaches ? some could say that I'm just confused... but as MURS said, I'm 10.000 different dudes rolled into 1.

03 February, 2009

Extremely Necessary

I was thinking about the stuff that any middle-age MUST HAVE while living in the U S and A (with Borat's accent, please...)
  1. A car: This $^(^%^@$# country doesn't rely on public transportation... at all... After an excellent experience in Europe and South-East Asia, I arrived at a place that doesn't have sidewalks !!! at least in part of the suburbs.... that sucks ass.

  2. If you have a car, a GPS or navigation system is a MUST too. If you don't want to find yourself killing your girlfriend while trying to get to a specific bar or tavern, concert or park, then you have to consider it... it avoids lame arguments and annoyances.

  3. A laptop. Does it need an explanation ?

  4. Wine opener, shot glasses and long glasses for pisco or rum... and a blender if you are more fancy.

  5. Electronic gadgets... a house is not a home without them... I'm talking about a decent TV, a console, a good sound system and dvd player (who can read downloades movies, of course :P)

  6. Health insurance or health program... you never know, don't ya ?

  7. Get a desk and a desk chair... nothing worst than working in the dinning table.

  8. A set of Tupperware's or any recipient for food, unless you can live out of frozen food.

  9. A good Chinese restaurant's or pizza place phone and a nearby McDonald's, for the munchie's.
As soon as I get some more I'll share them with you... :P