31 December, 2009

Fuck new year´s resolutions... what about the questions ?

For me, it is normal that a great experience leaves more questions than to come and solve some shit.... so, with no more delay, here are the great questions I have thought during 2009 and that I am hoping to solve in the following years:

When are you really sure about it ?
are you sure ?
Why audio cassettes are no longer available ?
Why didn´t the clothes manufacturer created a real standard yet ?
If best things in life are free... why the bastards complain about not having decent education housing and others ??
Where does the lost day that people loose by flying to another part of the globe goes ?
Are they really older ?
Then which one is the reference of time ?
Is Dr. Dre going to release Detox?
Is it going to be out before Im 80 ?
Am I going to reach 80 ?
Does coffee really wake you up ?
Will I ? (I will !!!)
Always ? (I hope)
When is enough of something ?
Where the fuck is that voice coming from ?
Ok, so there is no God, then who created the unlimited parallel realities and the model ?
Even tough reality bites sucks ass, do we still just need coffee and a cigarette to live by ?
Will I reach comfort ?
2010 is kind of a big name for next year... don´t you agree ?

anyways... too much to think about but the list keeps getting longer.

24 December, 2009

Feliz Navidad

Como pasa el tiempo... todavia recuerdo cuando empece esta pagina antes de irme a estudiar el master...

Increible la cantidad de cosas que han pasado, sin embargo si hubiese que listarlas no juntaria mas de 10. No importando el paso del tiempo, y el pobre diseno del template usado, que no ha sido cambiado aun, este "humirde" blog se suma a los buenos deseos de toda la gente que en este momento esta cargando la red de tarjetas electronicas para no perder plata en correos... JajajAja

Un abrazo para todos, paz y amor para los cristianos, el infierno para los que no :P