17 October, 2010

Ebooks for the masses

 So...  everybody that loves to read loves books...  a chicken and egg kind of thing...
The question is how do they react when they receive an ebook reader ??
Well, my first view is that the love them !  it's impressive how the advantages of weight, cleanness (no mites as in old books)  and capabilities to increase or decrease the font size are the reasons that I hear the most...
The price war between Amazon and Barnes and Noble results were awesome for consumers, a decent reader for less than 150 USD is something that almost anybody can pay, and now it's just a matter of giving the writers the ability to reach their readers almost directly and voila ! a new successful business model brought to us by technology...
The coolest thing is that the impact is huge and positive for the readers...  
What's next ??

09 October, 2010

Long time !...

tons of things change and I am just not able to keep up my literary initiatives with my real-life-adventures (which is cool... it means that I do more stuff than just comment shit)
Anyways...  now I'm back in good old Latin America, no horror or shock involved... just the acknowledge of big differences between our reality and the US.
So today I will complain about the assholes on the ticket sales systems in my country (Chile). If you are able to buy a ticket for a entertainment show on the internet, cool...  you live in one our of the 90% of countries which does (sorry Cuba). But how good is to have an internet charging system if you cannot order them to be sent to your home ??  no willcall either and the on-site ticket office requests FOR THE FUCKING CONFIRMATION EMAIL PRINTED !!!!

 So, technology is nothing without smart procedures and people...   that remains me of this clip: