25 November, 2007

Corrupting the coolest browser ?

 Ok, a geek topic from a geek guy.                               

 For a while I have been a supporter of mozilla's firefox web browser, and at that time (more than 2 years from now) I has been a great alternative to the shitty MS explorer...  But lately (and it began as a "hunch") firefox started to "feel" a bit slow, heavy and with too many upgrades to something that it might not need it. 
As a faithful user, I thought it could be only a matter of a crappy upgrade and that everything might be solved in the next one, but here I am.... 
still waiting to use my fast, light-weighted software.

  After my last upgrade, I saw that the download interface from firefox's browser changed into an annoying, too rigid dialog...  which is the thing that bothers me the most lately...

 Anyways, since I am an impatient guy, I thought I could give Opera a try... I saw great reviews about his speed and stability, and since it was nintendo's choice as web-browser for his consoles I assume that there are a lot of good reasons to choose it.
 I still havent searched for some technical explanations but it works great !!!  much better than the old, greasy-fat firefox... (I wont even include explorer in the comparison) so as an advice: 
  just try it because it feels as good as firefox when it just started.

 Does somebody have an answer to what are the guys from mozilla doing ? do they realize that their product is turning into a (geek oppinion) piece of crap ?? 
 Maybe Im just too picky...  but what the hell...  give opera a chance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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